Category Coronavirus

Used for temporary content during coronavirus epidemic.

2022 Pastoral Placement Program

The Pastoral Placement Program offers participants an experience of ministry in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. The purpose of this program is to enable participants the opportunity to experience different workplaces and ministries across the diocese. These ‘on the ground’ ministry…

Plenary Council Assembly

After much preparation, and a delay due to the COVID pandemic, the First Assembly of the Australia’s Plenary Council will start on October 3rd 2021. The pandemic also means the Assembly will be held with a combination of in-person and…

Bishop Bill Wright Retirement

Bishop Bill Wright has announced his resignation from the position of Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle Diocese, due to his ongoing serious illness. You can read his message here.

Perpetual Day of Remembrance

This Sunday throughout the Diocese we commemorate Perpetual Day of Remembrance. This is an occasion for us to stand in solidarity with survivors who continue to suffer, and together be a sign of hope, committing to ensure that the past…

Lighting a candle for Afghanistan

Dear parishioners,Earlier in the week, Fr Greg Barker invited his Parishioners to join him in lighting a candle each night in prayerfully solidarity with the people of Afghanistan. I will be lighting a candle at St Joseph’s tonight to join…

Amen Camino

The purpose of pilgrimage is journey. You are invited to join the aMeN caMiNo journey and let your storiesand experiences meet others. Camino has a long and established Christian history, it means ‘road’ or ‘way’.

Social Justice Sunday

Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor The Bishops’ Social Justice Statement 2021-22: Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, affirms that “we human beings need a change of heart, mind, and behaviour”. It draws from Scripture, from the…

Thank You for Your Love!

Our Dear Saint Joseph’s Parishioners and the St Joseph’s School Mini Vinnies: We wanted to put on record our thanks and gratitude in acknowledging your overwhelming generosity with donations both financially and practically in The Winter Appeal. Your unfailing support…


“Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone.” – Psalm 33.22 During lockdown, I try to start each day with a short walk to get some exercise and have some quiet time. As I…