Our Catholic faith is a sacramental faith. We believe these sacraments are not mere process, but are visible signs of God’s grace. The preparation for, and celebration of these sacraments is a fundamentally important part of catholic life, helping people of faith to grow in faith and in community, and to mark key moments in our lives.
There are seven sacraments of the Catholic Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Marriage. Further information on each of the sacraments is available here.
The information below is provided to assist with understanding how the sacraments can be received at St Joseph’s.

Baptism is the Sacrament that begins the journey of initiation into the Catholic Church. It is a grace-filled moment where one is immersed into the life of Jesus Christ. It is an important decision that parents make in seeking Baptism for their children, and so it is necessary that a time of preparation precede the event.
Here at St Joseph’s, Toronto, the journey of Baptism usually begins with a phone call to the Parish Office (49592777). During this discussion you will be asked some questions and invited to meet with someone from our Baptism Preparation Team.
The journey towards Baptism will be different for each family. In asking for Baptism for your child, you are asking to be a part of the worshipping community. What does that mean for your family?
First Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist

The Sacramental Program at St Joseph’s takes place in one calendar year. Information brochures and enrolment forms are available during Term 4 of the preceding year. This program is for children in Year 3 and above.
We begin with the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the season of Lent. The program continues in May/June with Confirmation and in August/September with First Eucharist.
The program is parish based and family centred, requiring the strong commitment of families and the support of the parish. The journey of the Sacraments is not a one-time event, but rather the continuation of a full and active participation in the life of the worshipping community. As such, participation in the Sunday Celebration of the community is an important part of this journey.
The program itself is consists of home-based activities that the family does together, culminating in a ‘Family Morning’ – a gathering of all the families together as a community to participate in fun, faith-based activities at St Joseph’s Conference Centre.
This is a beautiful time in the faith life of our children. The decision to enrol in the Sacramental Program should be discussed and prayed about as a family as the commitment required will impact on all family members. And yet, such commitment should encourage us to enter this time with excitement and reverence as our children actively encounter Jesus Christ through the Sacraments.
For more information on the Sacramental Program, please contact the Parish Office on 4959 2777

Marriage is a beautiful sacrament in which a man and woman publicly commit themselves to each other in a life-long relationship built on love and fidelity. The sacrament of marriage is a sign of God’s indissoluble love for us – it is faithful, eternal and life-giving.
For couples who wish to get married in St Joseph’s Church, the first step is to call the Parish Office on 4959 2777. During this phone call, you will be asked a few questions that will help get the ball rolling.
May God bless you as you journey towards a truly wonderful life together that is filled with the grace and joy that comes through Jesus Christ.
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