Serving at St Josephs
Our community provides many opportunities for sharing of time and talent in service of each other and the broader community. We call each of these roles a ministry. The various ministries include assisting with organising and participating in our weekend celebrations and assistance to the needy and vulnerable in the community.

Great! Where do I sign up?
We would love to hear from you about joining a ministry. The general process will involve a volunteer orientation, followed by some training which of coursed depends on the particular ministry. You will be accompanied and supported by experienced ministers during the early part of your ministry, and will be made most welcome in your new role!

Any of these sound like you?

This group of ministries support the communal life of our parish. It includes those who welcome you to Mass each weekend, provide refreshments, a bus service for those unable to drive, tend our gardens, organise a children’s playgroup and many others.

This ministers in this team support our weekend Masses and celebrations. It includes those who plan and prepare, those who read, give out communion, provide music, altar servers and decorators.

This group supports preparation of children and new members of the community to prepare to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation and Eucharist. The group also assists with organising adult faith formation groups.

This group leads the ministries involved in support and outreach to the broader community, in supporting the needy and vulnerable and assisting with home/nursing home visitation for those unable to visit the church.

This group includes and Parish Pastoral Council and the Parish Finance Council, and assists with managing the finances, property and assets of the parish.
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