Our Stained Glass Windows

Our Parish Church building is characterised by two large stained glass windows.

The windows were designed and executed by Lance Feeney of Sydney, based on theology provided our Parish Priest at the time.

The Baptismal Window

This window depicts in symbolism the story of God’s faithfulness, bringing order out of chaos.


The first book of the Old Testament unfolds the story of Creation. The Majesty of God as Creator is symbolised by the purple and the Aramaic letters. The blue at the bottom symbolises the waters of chaos. The red rays are symbolic of the Spirit of God breathing on the chaos. The order that results is symbolised by the symmetry in the lines creating an upward movement of God, and a downward movement to creation.

The New Testament unfolds the story of Christ’s birth. The centre panel of the window depicts in symbolism, Christ’s baptism in the waters of the Jordan and the Spirit descending on him – “This is my beloved Son – hear Him!”.

Christ came to bring order out of the chaos of people’s lives.

Where do you find people in chaos? In the city! So the end panel depicts the city, in which Christ brought good news to the poor and bound up hearts that were lonely.

This is our Baptismal Commitment in Christ!

The Eucharist Window


Every Sunday, the Catholic Community comes together, to worship their God and to again renew their commitment to humanity.

In the Eucharist window, the world is a much larger place, the task is daunting, we feel powerless. The window depicts in symbolic expression, that in the Eucharist – the Bread and Wine of Christ’s body – we are fed into mission every Sunday, and so we go in the power and strength of Eucharistic people to serve man’s needs.